Autor Thema: SiDiary-Exporter for WebOS (Palm Pre/Pix) Users-Manual  (Gelesen 12813 mal)

Offline Taurec

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  • Beiträge: 185
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    • Mein Meerwasser Aquarium
  • Diabetestyp: DM 1
  • Therapie: Insulin-Pumpe
After the first start of the App you will see the Card "Preferences and Accounts"

Hier you can set the following preferences
  • BE/Carb: Configure if your eaten BE or carbohydrates are beeing saved. This Settings must be the same in SiDiary-Online or at the PC-Version of SiDiary. Nomatter what you configure here you can still enter any value in the Inputscreen. It will be converted into your Type you configured automatically.
  • Show Bolus Calculation: If you enable this the App will make you a suggestion for your Insulin Bolus. You can overwrite this suggestion at any Time.
  • Save IU: If enabeld the value for the Insulin Bolus is beeing saved. I have this disabled for instance because I only want to see the Bolus suggestion. Later iI read out the injected Bolus from my Insulin-Pump into the PC-Version of SiDiary.
  • Show BG-Input: If enabled you can enter your current Blood Glucose value. This makes sence if you want the Insulin Bolus proposal because this is beeing used for the calculation too.
  • Save BG: Same as "Save IU" just for the BG value. I have this disabled too because I also read out my BG values from my blood sugar messuring device into the PC Version of SiDiary.

The following points are important for the Bolus suggestion calculation
  • CH/Ins Ratio: Here you have to enter your CH/Insulin Ratio for you eaten BEs. Just click on the Number and change the value.
  • Correction rules: Enter the values for the Units of Blood Glucose you need to correct with one Insulin Unit. In this example for each 30 in the morning  above your target valueone Unit for the Bolus is beeing added to the calculation.
  • BG Target: I think the name tells you everything ;)

At least here you need to put in your Login Credentials for Syncronising the Data into SiDiary or SiDiary-Online (only if you want this).

Now just do a Back-Swip.

At any time you can change your Settings by going to the Menü and then select "Preferences and Accounts" (for instance if your CH/Insulin Ratio or your corrections rules have changed).

Now we come to the Input-Screen (or the Main App):

At first you have to enter the Date and Time for your Entry. Per default this is the current Date and Time.
After this you can enter your BE or Carbs (you can also leave the 0 in here if you just want to save a check  measurement). Now comes your BG value (of course only if you enabled this in the perferences) and the your IU value (if enabled too).

Just tap the value and the Numberpad will be opend.

The Buttons on the bottom of the Screen are for the following (from left to right):
  • Events: Not supported in the current Version. Later you can enter events here like: Hypos, Wakeuptime, Time when you went to Bed, Stress and so on.
  • Sync: Transmitting you Data to SiDiary-Online
  • Saving the current Data
  • Opening the Calendar

Thats it!
« Letzte Änderung: März 26, 2010, 08:36 von Alf »
